WPFront User Role Editor


WPFront User Role Editor plugin allows you to easily manage WordPress user roles within your site.
You can create, edit or delete user roles and manage role capabilities.


Compare User Role Editor Pro

Spanish tutorial


  • Roles list
  • Settings
  • Assign / Migrate users
  • Custom post type permissions
  • Extended permissions
  • Menu editor
  • Export roles
  • Import roles
  • Multisite sync roles
  • Add new role
  • Edit role
  • Restore role
  • Navigation menu permissions
  • Add or Remove capability
  • Media library permissions
  • Content restriction shortcodes
  • Login redirect
  • User level permissions
  • Widget permissions


  1. Click Plugins/Add New from the WordPress admin panel
  2. Search for “WPFront User Role Editor” and install


  1. Download the .zip package
  2. Unzip into the subdirectory ‘wpfront-user-role-editor’ within your local WordPress plugins directory
  3. Refresh plugin page and activate plugin
  4. Configure plugin using settings link under plugin name or by going to WPFront/User Role Editor


Please visit WPFront User Role Editor FAQ.

WPFront User Role Editor and GDPR compliance?

This plugin doesn’t collect any personal information. For more information please visit GDPR compliance.


February 13, 2023
I’ve been using this for several years and it has worked like clockwork. No issues at all through the updates. I am a bit torn though for a new site as the new custom post and taxonomy type generation feature is pretty cool, but I’ve just made a custom plugin to create some and I prefer to keep functionality like that separate.
August 25, 2022
This plugin has gone from great to really horrible. For over a year now since they updated the plugin from version 2.x to version 3.x the plugin causes our home page to show only a white blank page (No posts shown, only the sidebar shows up) for any registered/login members. This issue has been reported by others on their private forum as well. So we are stuck with old, outdated software that might become incompatible with WordPress at any time and/or contain security issues. We informed the developer about the issue last year, yet they did very little to help diagnose the issue. Their ONLY support was providing a link with help on how to turn debug mode on for their software, Yet the instructions provided do not work and the regular WordPress Debug mode also doesn’t show anything relevant to the issue. They offered no farther help and to top it up, they have now closed down the support forum they have. Sorry WPFront I’m paying US dollars for your BROKEN software, you should at the very least had asked for login details to your customer’s site and check issues yourself. You are VERY lazy and deserve no more money from me or anyone else. Be aware new costumers!, WPFront will NOT support you with your issues, but will be VERY QUICK to charge you a high yearly fee to continue using their broken software. I’m actively looking for alternative plugins that actually work to replace this ASAP.
October 11, 2021
For me this has been the most reliable and efficient user role plugin I have used (I’ve tried many). Any site that requires editing or managing multiple roles should strongly consider this. The developer is also active and responsive which IMO is a key to a quality plugin. Happily recommend to others!
Read all 64 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“WPFront User Role Editor” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“WPFront User Role Editor” has been translated into 2 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “WPFront User Role Editor” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Bug fix – Comment capabilities.
  • Bug fix – Export roles.


  • Security issue fixes.


  • Custom comment capabilities.
  • Impersonate/switch users.
  • Taxonomy based permissions.
  • Multisite – automatically sync users.
  • Security fixes.
  • Compatibility fixes.
  • Bug fixes.


  • Multisite – Sync roles, users and role assignments.
  • Manage comments using extended permissions.
  • Manage parent pages using extended permissions.
  • Sanitization and performance improvements.


  • XSS fixes.


  • Extended Permissions Precedence option.
  • Login page URL option.
  • Compatibility fixes.


  • Debug functionality added.
  • Assign/Migrate UI change.
  • Compatibility fixes.
  • Bug fixes.


  • Major update. Please test before upgrading.
  • Advanced extended permissions.
  • User post permissions.
  • Denied capabilities.
  • New menu editor.
  • Post Types UI.
  • Taxonomies UI.
  • And more…


  • Navigation menu UI compatibility fix for WP5.4.


  • Navigation menu UI bug fix.


  • [Important]Security vulnerability fix.


  • Logout redirect added.
  • Secondary roles on Add New User added.
  • Secondary role filters added. Documentation.


  • [Important]XSS fixes. Thanks to Burak @ security.nl & DefenseCode WebScanner.
  • Spelling corrections. Thanks to Eclipse Creative.
  • Update fails on some hosts are now resolved.
  • UI improvements.
  • License validation fixes.


  • Bulk edit extended permissions with single role. Documentation.
  • Override navigation menu permission setting. Documentation.
  • Disable extended permission setting. Documentation.
  • Widget permission bug fix.
  • Navigation menu permission bug fix.
  • Admin menu editor bug fix.
  • WP 4.6 compatibility fix.
  • PHP 7 compatibility.


  • Bug fixes.
  • Danish translation.


  • Plugin conflict fix.


  • WP 4.4 compatibility.
  • Extended permissions bug fix.
  • Performance improvements.


  • License fail info added.


  • License functions fallback handler.



  • CSS fix.


  • Navigation menu bug fix.


  • WP 4.3 Compatibility.


  • Bulk edit added. Documentation.
  • License form compatibility fix.

  • License recheck and activation email added.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Custom post type capabilities compatibility fix.
  • SSL verify compatibility fix.



  • Menu editor bug fix.
  • Menu editor WP4.2 compatibility fix.


  • Show toolbar inheritance bug fix.


  • Login redirect added. Documentation.
  • Assign roles compatibility fix.
  • Swedish translation added. Thanks to Elger.



  • Media library permissions added. Documentation.
  • Admin menu editor bug fix.


  • bbPress forum extended permissions bug fix.
  • Stability improvements.


  • Role permission column width removed.



  • Navigation menu permission setting added. Documentation.
  • IMPORTANT: Disable navigation menu permission, if you already have a Nav Menu permission plugin and if it stops working.
  • Navigation menu permission uninstall cleanup bug fix.


  • Navigation menu permissions added. Documentation.
  • Compatibility fix with “The Events Calendar”.


  • Gravity forms integration.
  • UI changes to make columns hidden on small screens.
  • Bug fix: Extended permissions not working in search results.
  • Portuguese (Brazil) language added.


  • Duplicator integration.
  • Performance fix. Thanks to Jezze.


  • Extended permissions bug fix.


  • Extended permissions enhanced with [Guest].
  • User profile secondary roles added.
  • UI enhancements.
  • Menu editor bug fix. Thanks to Marcus.
  • Multisite user assignment bug fix.


  • Custom post type permissions.
  • Bug fixes.


  • Removed ‘wpfront_’ from role capabilities.
  • Removed ‘Add role capabilities’. It is enabled by default.
  • Assign/Migrate users.
  • Bug fixes.


  • Restore role.
  • Bug fixes.


  • Edit deprecated capabilities.


  • Set new user default role.
  • Stability improvements.


  • Bug fixes.


  • Initial release.